
Azerbaijan hosts X Global Baku Forum

On March 9, 10th Global Baku Forum on the topic “The World Today: Challenges and Hopes” kicks off in the capital city of Azerbaijan.

The forum is held at under the auspices of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Aliyev also received in the opening ceremony of the forum.

The current Global Baku Forum, dedicated to the topic “The World Today: Challenges and Hopes”, brought together representatives of many countries, as well as authoritative international organizations. The forum is attended by 4 presidents, 2 prime ministers, 6 speakers and ministers, heads of 5 UN structures, 25 former presidents, 21 former prime ministers, deputy foreign ministers of 23 countries, a total of 360 representatives from 61 countries.

The forum will last until March 11 and there will be discussed about the factors that pose a threat to the new world order, including security issues and the prospects for ensuring peace, establishing stability in a divided world, its impact on the global world and ways to solve the challenges facing humanity such as conflicts, megathreats shaking the world, including issues of climate, nuclear and food security.

Among the main topics of discussion is the prevention of migration as a symptom of global poverty, inequality, the climate crisis and conflicts. Participants will share their views on the future of Europe, consider the sources of populism and extremism, and determine ways to effectively combat them.

Агентсво Анадолу


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