
Ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia visits TURKSOY Headquarters

The newly appointed ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia H. E. Mr. Jovan Manasievski paid a courtesy visit to TURKSOY Secretary General  Sultan Raev.

In his meeting wih the ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia in his office in TURKSOY Headquarters, Secretary General Raev congratulated H. E. Mr. Manasievski on the occasion of his appointment as Ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia and wished him success.

Issues discussed in the  meeting pertained to relations between TURKSOY and North Macedonia. Secretary General Raev who said that TURKSOY and  North Macedonia have carried out many events together throughout their long-standing cooperation also expressed his pleasure as to the fact that  artists and intellectuals of   Macedonia  show strong interest in events and activities carried out by  TURKSOY.

Ambassador Manasievski stressed the fact that further support will be provided regarding the organization of various events in cooperation of  TURKSOY with North Macedonia. Both parties agreed upon carrying out an exhibition of  works by Macedonian artists which are part of the paintings’ collection of TURKSOY.

The meeting ended with mutual handover of  gifts as a remembrance of the day.


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