
Almaty hosted the 6th meeting of the General Assembly of the Union of National Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World

On April 14 – 15 in Almaty, the Turkic Academy with the support of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held the VI Meeting of the General Assembly of the Union of National Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World (UNASTW).

Within the framework of the meeting, the current chairmanship in UNASTW passed from the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic to the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In this regard, Shahin Mustafayev emphasized that the Turkic Academy, as one of the Turkic Cooperation Organizations, as well as a coordinating center of the scientific integration, can and should create common platforms and mechanisms for the development of cooperation among Turkic countries in the field of science.
In this context, it was proposed to re-evaluate the potential of the Union of National Academies of Sciences of the Turkic World as a platform, which was created in 2015 under the auspices of the Turkic Academy.

The parties came to the conclusion that in order to give a new impetus to Turkic integration, it is necessary for our research centers and scholars to implement common projects of a breakthrough nature in the scientific and technological field. This task is in line with the relevant provisions of the strategic document “Turkic World Vision – 2040”, which is essentially a kind of road map containing the main directions and goals for the development of the Turkic world for the coming decades.

During the meeting, the final document was be adopted, and the place and time of the next meeting of the Union was specified.

It should be noted that UNASTW was founded on June 29, 2015 in Astana on the initiative of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, the first meeting was held at the site of the Turkic Academy. The functions of the Secretariat of the UNASTW are carried out by the Turkic Academy. Previously, five regular meetings and one emergency meeting of the UNASTW have been hold.


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