
A new border regime will be established between Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan

The Majilis (parlament) adopted the Law on “Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Turkmenistan on the regime of the Kazakh-Turkmen state border”, Turanews.kz reports.

The agreement was signed on October 25, 2021 in the city of Ashgabat at the level of deputy prime ministers of the states. The main purpose of the agreement is to establish a legal basis and regulate relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan on the state border. The agreement provides for the establishment of the regime of the Kazakh-Turkmen state border and the further strengthening of the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“The regime of the state border forms the following order with the regulation in force on the border. The first is the maintenance of the state border. The second is the passage of people, vehicles, cargo and other property across the state border. The third is the implementation of flights over the state border. Fourth – conducting economic and other activities on the state border, border strips, as well as within border waters. Fifth, the resolution of the border incident,” said Deputy Chairman of the National Security Committee – Director of the Border Service Yerlan Aldazhumanov, who made a presentation on the bill.

He also noted that the agreement is considered to be open-ended and is valid until one of the parties provides the other party with written information about its intention to terminate it through the diplomatic channel.


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