
A Cooperation Protocol Signed Between TURKSOY and the Mongolian University of Fine Arts and Culture

A cooperation protocol was signed in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, between the Mongolian University of Fine Arts and Culture and the International Organization TURKSOY.

The signing ceremony was attended by Sonitogos Erdenetsogt, the rector of the Mongolian University of Fine Arts and Culture, and Sultan Raev, the Secretary General of TURKSOY.

The protocol outlines cooperation in organizing joint concerts, experience exchange among artists, holding master classes, and engaging Mongolian artists in the cultural life of the Turkic world. It also includes the participation of Turkic representatives in cultural and artistic events held in Mongolia.

The rector expressed a desire to join the Union of Fine Arts Universities of the Turkic World, which was established at the initiative of TURKSOY. Secretary General Sultan Raev welcomed this intention and invited the rector to the next Union meeting. It is expected that the Mongolian University of Fine Arts and Culture will soon become a member of the Association of Fine Arts Universities of the Turkic World under TURKSOY’s umbrella.





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