With a gathering of 1,700 delegates representing participating countries and international organizations, discussions and decisions regarding obligations in the conservation of migratory wild animals are underway.
Since joining the Convention in 2005, Kazakhstan has sent a national delegation led by Vice Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Nurken Sharbiev. The event is hosted by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change of Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Convention’s Secretariat.
On February 11, alongside COP 14, the Eighth Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Program (GSLEP) took place. Opening remarks were delivered by Uzbekistan’s Minister of Environment and the Secretary General of UNEP. Vice Minister Sharbiev provided an update on Kazakhstan’s efforts in studying and conserving the snow leopard and its habitats, showcasing advancements in monitoring technologies.
A high-level panel session focused on cross-border cooperation among Central Asian nations to preserve migratory wild animals. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Erlan Nysanbaev joined virtually, highlighting Kazakhstan’s commitment to enhancing measures for studying and conserving migratory species and expressed interest in ongoing cooperation with Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan on species preservation such as the saiga and snow leopard.
Vice-Minister Sharbiev participated in a panel discussion addressing transboundary cooperation among Central Asian countries, emphasizing the importance of ensuring free migration of wild mammals and cooperation in establishing transboundary protected areas.
During the event, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan inked a Memorandum of Cooperation aimed at conserving the fauna of the Ustyurt Plateau. The memorandum focuses on cross-border collaboration to conserve key mammal species and migratory animals in the region, including the goitered gazelle, Central Asian leopard, urial, and kulan.
Additionally, Kazakhstan, along with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, joined a Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation of migratory birds of prey in Africa and Eurasia. This memorandum, which has already been signed by over 60 countries from Eurasia and Africa, further underscores the commitment to protecting migratory bird species within the framework of the Convention.