127 Thousand Students in Kazakhstan Simultaneously Perform Kazakh Kuis
A nationwide challenge dedicated to Nauryz was held today at 12:00 in all educational institutions across Kazakhstan. This marks the second consecutive year for this event, as reported by the official website of the capital's local government.

The purpose of the event is to foster spiritual and moral values and patriotic sentiments among the youth, while also promoting the traditional Kazakh instrument, the dombra.
The dombra challenge aims to showcase the musical talents of children, youth, teachers, and parents, while also popularizing the national instrument, the dombra.
This year, the challenge featured performances of Kurmangazy’s kuis “Balbyrauyn,” “Adai,” and “Saryarka,” with approximately 127 thousand students participating in the capital city of Astana alone. Marzhan Bakhyt, the press secretary of the city’s education department, emphasized that the goal of the challenge is to instill an appreciation for the dombra among the younger generation.