
Turkish Motocrossers against Jereed players on the same field

The event in Erzincan city of East Türkiye, where the motocrossers played against the jereed athletes played each other, was excited.

Motocross enthusiasts and jereed athletes played on the same field in Erzincan.

Erzincan Enduro Motorcycle Group members and Can Erzincan Mounted Cirit Sports Club athletes performed an extraordinary program on the javelin field.

Motocross enthusiasts and jereed players, who came together on the field behind the Sugar Factory in the city, came face to face in two groups of 6 each.

«Can Erzincan» Jereed Sports Club athlete Emrah Aydin told reporters that they organized a different event full of excitement.

Expressing that the event was exciting, Aydin said, “Today, our horses that we inherited from our ancestors had competitions with ‘iron horses’. It was a magnificent event. I would like to thank my motorcycle friends who cheered us up today. I hope we continue to continue our activities with such new ideas in the future.” he said.

Motocross athlete Nejmi Onguc stated that they played the ancestral sport javelin on a motorcycle and said, “We had some fears at first. We thought that the horses might be frightened by the sound of the motorcycle. We thought that we would not be able to control the clutch and gas and we would have difficulties here with the engines. But it was not as we expected, it was very enjoyable. Those who came to watch also enjoyed it.” he said.


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