
A conference Dedicated to the 160th Anniversary of Professor Nikolay Katanov Held at Istanbul University

On December 15, a scientific conference was held at Istanbul University, which dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Professor Nikolay Katanov, the first Turcologist from among Turkic peoples, Doctor of Comparative Linguistics, Professor.

At the event, Istanbul University Rector Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak, Dean of Istanbul University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Hayati Develi and Istanbul University Turkic Studies Institute Director Prof. Dr. Mustafa Balci made greeting speechs.

At the conference the papers presented on the life and works of the first Khakas scientist whose Khakas name was Hizil Pora Hatan, Prof. Dr. Nikolay Katanov.

The event ended with the presentation of gifts and a group photo shoot of the conference participants and listeners.

In March 2023, hosted by Istanbul University Turkic Studies Institute, Prof. Dr. Siberian Studies Symposium dedicated to Nikolay Katanov will be held.



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