
New Customs Terminal to Open on Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan Border

A new customs terminal at the Daut-ata border post in Karakalpakstan, on the Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border, is nearing completion.

The facility, covering 6 hectares, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and includes hotels, service points, and a parking lot that can accommodate 350 trucks simultaneously, according to Uzbekistan’s Customs Committee.

The opening of the terminal aligns with the completion of the Kungrad-Beinee road, which is expected to significantly boost the efficiency of foreign trade through Daut-ata. This new infrastructure is part of broader efforts to enhance cross-border trade and connectivity between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Earlier this year, officials inspected ongoing repair work at other customs posts, including Zhibek Zholy – Gishtkuprik and Kaplanbek – Navoi, highlighting the region’s continued focus on improving trade infrastructure.



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