
Leader of Terrorist Organization Fethullah Gülen Passes Away

Fethullah Gülen, the preacher and head of the terrorist organization FETO, which has been designated as such in Türkiye, has died in the United States. His nephew, Abusalam Gülen, confirmed the news on his social media accounts.

Websites associated with FETO reported Gülen’s death, with the Herkül site, known for its ties to him, announcing it through their social media platforms. It was stated that Gülen passed away on October 20.

The Herkül website shared, “Reverend Fethullah Gülen Hodjaefendi, who dedicated every moment of his life to serving the blessed religion of Islam and humanity, has today reached the horizons of his soul.”

Gülen had been suffering from kidney failure, diabetes, and dementia. Reports from websites close to the organization indicated that he died around 9 PM on the previous evening.

Fethullah Gülen was born on April 27, 1941, in Erzurum-Pasinhler. He attempted to undermine the constitutional order by orchestrating a coup d’état on July 15 through the terrorist organization he founded, claiming to foster a “golden generation.”

On March 21, 1999, Gülen fled to the United States, citing health problems. He had been living in hiding in Pennsylvania since then, evading justice.




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