
International Festival “Kyrgyz Shyrdagy XV” Celebrates Felt Art in Kyrgyzstan

On June 28-29, the city of Naryn, located in the Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan, hosted the 15th international festival "Kyrgyz Shyrdagy."

The festival is being held at the “As A Nomad” ethnocomplex and showcases over a thousand original works crafted by skilled needlewomen. Participants include artisans from various regions of Kyrgyzstan and international guests from Türkiye, the UAE, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.

The art of shyrdag, a traditional Kyrgyz felt carpet known for its intricate craftsmanship.

Shyrdag, characterized by its complex felting techniques, holds significant cultural importance among the Kyrgyz people. The festival serves as a platform to celebrate and promote this traditional art form, fostering cultural exchange and appreciation among participants and visitors alike.


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