
Number of Presidential Candidates in Azerbaijan Grows to 17 as New Nomination Approved

The Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan has given its approval for the candidacy of Avaza Temirkhana, expanding the pool of contenders for the upcoming extraordinary presidential elections scheduled for February 7, 2024, TuraNews.kz reports.

With this recent development, the total number of candidates vying for the presidency has reached 17. Presently, three candidates have completed all necessary procedures and officially registered their candidacy: the incumbent president, Ilham Aliyev; Zahid Oruj, the chairman of the board of the Center for Social Studies of the Republic of Azerbaijan; and Razi Nurullayev, a deputy of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the 6th term.

Other applicants are currently engaged in the required activities for the registration of their candidacy, adhering to the legal processes outlined by Azerbaijani law.

In accordance with the Republic of Azerbaijan’s legislation, January 3, 2024, serves as the deadline for candidates to fulfill specific tasks according to the calendar plan for the preparation and conduct of the extraordinary presidential elections. These tasks include the production and approval of ballot papers, determining their quantity, and establishing the requirements for their release.

It’s noteworthy that the presidential term in Azerbaijan is seven years.


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