
Iran Declares Day of Mourning as President Vows Justice for Victims of Kerman Terrorist Attack

In the aftermath of the devastating terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran, President Ibrahim Raisi announced a day of mourning on Thursday to honor the memory of the over 100 victims. President Raisi expressed a resolute commitment to bringing the perpetrators to justice, reports citing the IRNA agency.

Addressing the nation, President Raisi declared that all individuals responsible for the explosions in Kerman, where 103 lives were lost, will be identified and punished for their actions. The Minister of Internal Affairs, Ahmad Vahidi, echoed this sentiment, promising a “decisive response” against those found guilty.

“Undoubtedly, those guilty of this cowardly act will soon be found, and the criminals will be punished for their abominable act,” affirmed President Raisi.

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, strongly condemned the attack in Kerman, Iran, urging accountability for the perpetrators. The European Union also extended condolences to the Iranian people in the wake of the tragic incident.

In response to the attack, the Iranian government declared January 4 as a day of mourning nationwide. The sorrowful day serves as a collective expression of grief and solidarity with the affected families.

Recalling the incident, two explosions occurred in the city of Kerman on a road leading to the cemetery where Qasem Suleimani was buried, resulting in the death of 103 people and injuries to 170 citizens.



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