
Azerbaijani MP Ganira Pashayeva passed away

Ganira Pashayeva, a member of the Azerbaijani Parliament and Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture, died on September 28, 2023, after being hospitalized with hypotension of unknown origin on September 24. She was 48 years old, TuraNews.kz reports.

Pashayeva was born in the city of Tovuz on March 24, 1975, and had two higher educations. She began her professional career in 1998 on television and worked for a long time in the country’s leading media structures. In 2005, she headed the press service of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and was elected as a deputy of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan for the first time. She served as a deputy of parliament of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth convocations.

Pashayeva was an active member of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe since 2006 and was a member of the “group of European democrats” of the Council of Europe. She was a full member of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination and the Committee on Migration, Refugees, and Displaced Persons, and a rotating member of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy.

Pashayeva was known for her professionalism, love for her homeland, and desire to contribute to the development of society. She received high recognition not only in Azerbaijan, but also abroad, in particular in Türkiye. She took an active part in various events organized in Türkiye and in her numerous articles she always mentioned that “the strength of Türkiye is the strength of the entire Turkic world.”

Агентсво Анадолу


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