
Kyrgyzstan passes new “Youth Law”

President of Kyrgyz Republic Sadir Caparov has signed a new law on youth in Kyrgyzstan, which aims to protect the rights of young people and give them a more active role in society, Turanews.kz reports.

The law raises the upper age limit of youth from 28 to 35, meaning that citizens between the ages of 14 and 35 will now be considered young in Kyrgyzstan. This change is intended to ensure that more young people are able to benefit from projects and programs designed to support them.

The law also outlines the work of the Ministry of Youth, which is responsible for developing and implementing youth policy in the country. The ministry will be tasked with providing young people with access to education, employment, and healthcare, as well as promoting their participation in political and cultural life.

Experts say that the new law is a positive step for Kyrgyzstan, which has a young population of 24 percent. They believe that the law will help to ensure that young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to the development of the country.



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