
Experts: Kazakhstan and China to be main destinations for trucking from Uzbekistan

Data from the International Freight Exchange ATI.SU shows that the number of applications for the transportation of goods to Uzbekistan from January to June increased by 77% compared to the same period last year. Demand for transportation from Russia grew by 75%, and Kazakhstan, Belarus and China also saw significant increases. Freight rates increased by 8% over the same period, reports.

However, the dynamics slowed down in the second quarter of 2023. Compared to the first quarter of the year, the number of applications for cargo transportation to Uzbekistan decreased by 31%, including a decrease in the Russian direction by 30%. In export transportation, growth stopped even earlier.

For the first half of the year, the number of applications placed on the ATI.SU exchange from Uzbekistan decreased by 4% compared to the same period last year. In the Russian direction, the reduction was 8%, but the demand for transportation to Kazakhstan and Belarus, on the contrary, slightly increased. At the same time, rates for export cargo transportation showed an increase of 13%.

“In general, the international transportation market is gradually coming into balance after last year’s take-off, which was largely provoked by anti-Russian sanctions, as well as the restructuring of logistics and production chains that began after that,” commented Farid Vakhidov, director of the representative office of the International Freight Transportation Exchange ATI.SU in Uzbekistan. “In any case, we do not expect a new surge in the Russian direction in the near future, and a slight correction may follow. But other areas, primarily Kazakhstan and China, can become growth drivers.”



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