
Astana hosts Sister Cities Forum

The forum of mayors and vice-mayors of sister cities is taking place in the capital of Kazakhstan, Turanews.kz reports.

The forum will discuss topical issues of urban development and their role in the modern global world as the main centers of growth and innovation. As part of the business program of the Forum, 8 panel sessions are planned for various industries:

1). “Digital transformation of cities: innovative projects, programs and technologies”;

2). “Investment in cities as a key driver of economic growth”

3). “Urban planning focused on the future”;

4). «The world market of medical tourism: problems and drivers of growth»

5). “Astana on the map of medical tourism”;

6). “30th Anniversary of Bolashak”: contribution to the human capital of Astana and the development of labor resources.

7). International Scientific and Practical Symposium “FUTURE SMART MEGACITIES”;

8). International scientific-practical conference “Bozok in the history of urbanized spaces of medieval Eurasia”.

International sessions will be held with the participation of mayors of sister cities, authoritative experts from 15 countries, leaders of world business, financial institutions, government and academic figures, representatives of non-governmental and international organizations, local and foreign media.

Such countries as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Israel, Türkiye, Poland, India Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Japan, Azerbaijan, South Korea are declared as forum participants. It is planned to sign a number of international agreements. 1300 participants are expected to attend.


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