
Operas of the Turkic World performed in Izmir

The 23rd Opera Days of TURKSOY went on with a performance held in the Elhamra Concert Hall in Izmir.

The concert dedicated to the famous Azerbaijani composer  Fikret Amirov featured lyrical artists of the Turkic World accompanied by the  Orchestra of the Izmir State Opera and Ballet.

In the opening speech he delivered at the event, TURKSOY Deputy Secretary General Bilal Çakıcı said that traditional Opera Days of TURKSOY dedicated to the famous Azerbaijani composer  Fikret Amirov within the framework of the comemorative year declared upon decision of the Permanent Council of TURKSOY  are held in cooperation with the Metropolitan Municipality of Izmir this time. Mr. Çakıcı who expressed his pleasure to address such a large audience in Izmir added that thanks to this traditional event of TURKSOY,  works by talented composers of the Turkic World reflecting it rich cultural heritage are being introduced to amateurs of art in Izmir.

Several famous Turkish world works were performed at the concert.

The opening speech was  followed by a wonderful concert featuring colourful performances by artists of the Turkic World who were accompanied by the Orchestra of the Izmir State Oper and Ballet under Maestro Ayyub Guliyev from Azerbaijan. The concert featured  famous melodies and songs of Turkic peoples as well as arias from operas by composers of Western classical music.

Fikret Amirov’s “Azerbaijan Capriccio” and the aria of Sevilla from the opera  “Sevilla”, the folk song from Tokat  “Sabahın Seherinde”, A. Maldıbaev’s aria of  Kulchoro from the opera “Ayçurok” , L. Hamidi’s “Nightingale”, A. Jubanov’s aria of  Sırttan from the opera “Abay”, K. Aziz’ “Al Yemeni”, L. Pipkov’s “Nani”, A. Atabaev’s  “Kırgız Jeri” and M. Aşrafi’s “In Keshmir’” were particlarly appreciated by the audience.

Artists from the Turkic World, TURKSOY member countries and Turkic communities   who took the scene at the concert were:  Fatima Jafarzade (Azerbaijan), Uralhan Seilbekova, Shynggys Rassylkhan (Kazakhstan), Elgyz Beyshenbaev, Atakhan Aibek Uulu (Kyrgyzstan), Damla Burcu Kılıç Sayın (Turkey), Malika Normatova (Uzbekistan), Havva  Özdemirağ (TRNC) and Eleonora Djodjoska (North Macedonia).


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