
The Presidents of Uzbekistan and Türkiye hold a phone talk

According to the statement made by the Presidency of Communications of Türkiye, relations between Türkiye and Uzbekistan were discussed at the meeting, Turanews.kz reports.

During the meeting, President Erdogan wished Uzbekistan President Mirziyoyev good luck, who received the Togg vehicle.

Stating that he believes that as the Turkic world, they will reach much further points in unity and together, Erdogan stated that the strong cooperation between Türkiye and Uzbekistan is one of the main pillars of this understanding.

President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev thanked President Erdogan for the gift of Togg.

Stating that Türkiye’s breakthrough in the field of industry as well as in every field under the leadership of President Erdogan is very valuable, Mirziyoyev emphasized that Togg will be recorded as the success of Türkiye and the Turkic world.


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