
Turkmenistan to hold Parliamentary elections on March 26

People of Turkmenistan will vote for electing representatives of deputies, public affairs and local government bodies on Sunday, March 26

On Sunday, elections for the Assembly (Mejlis) and the People’s Councils  (Halk Maslahaty) of regions, districts, cities and local self-government will be held in Turkmenistan.

According to the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan, voters will have to elect deputies of the Mejlis of the seventh convocation, members of the velayat, etrap and city halk maslahaty of the fifth convocation, members of the gengeshes of the ninth convocation.

In total, 2,644 polling stations will be opened throughout the country, and another 42 polling stations will be opened in the diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan abroad.

In total, 3,496,475 voters were registered in the country.

There are 125 seats in the parliament of Turkmenistan, 240 seats in the velayat halk maslahaty, 960 seats in the etrap and city councils, and 5,897 seats in the gengeshes.

3 political parties nominated candidates for parliamentary elections

Three political parties nominated their candidates for elections to the Mejlis: the ruling Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Agrarian Party. In addition, independent candidates from initiative groups of citizens are also running.

A total of 258 candidates will compete for 125 seats in parliament, including 175 candidates from political parties and 83 independent candidates.

There are 515 candidates for the position of members of the Halk Maslahaty of the velayats and Ashgabat, 2001 candidates for members of the etrap and city Halk Maslahaty, 12,98 candidates for Gengeshes.

Deputies of parliament, members of the Halk maslahaty and Milli Gengesh (The National Council of Turkmenistan) are elected for a term of five years.

In total, 3,496,475 voters are registered in Turkmenistan, of which 75,606 have received the right to vote for the first time.

2,855 foreign observers will be sent to the elections, in particular from the UN, the CIS, the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the OSCE.

Anadolu Ajansı


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